Meticulous mowing services keep your lawn pristine, while expert mulching preserves soil moisture and replenishes vital nutrients. Precision trimming maintains the shape and promotes growth for shrubs, trees, and hedges. Vibrant flower installations brighten your landscape, and diligent weeding safeguards your garden's health. Enhance your sanctuary with new garden beds and refined edging services that crisply define boundaries. Experience a landscape service uniquely tailored to your needs, exuding perfection in your outdoor haven.
Our master craftsmen construct functional and sophisticated retaining walls, enhancing your landscape's charm, while expertly designed walkways provide a seamless, safe, and striking path for you and your guests. Resilient driveway installations brave the elements, ensuring secure and convenient parking. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of serene fountains and gather around captivating fire pits, perfect for hosting or unwinding with loved ones.
Keep your premises secure and accessible during the frosty months as our expert plowing clears driveways, parking lots, and outdoor areas. Our diligent shoveling covers hard-to-reach spots, while sanding and salting treatments maintain safe surfaces. Trust our meticulous roof shoveling to protect against heavy snow, and snowbank removal to prevent hazards. Rely on our efficient service for safety and accessibility throughout winter.
Patriot Landscaping has been providing lawn care, snow removal and beautiful dreamscapes for commercial and residential clients since 1988. With over 30 years of experience honing our craft, we've provided the perfect solution for thousands of customers. Whether your yard just needs a weekly manicure or you're looking to perfect your dream property, our highly trained team is guaranteed to deliver.